Jaw-dropping large-scale flying jet model

UPDATE: To give credit where due, I learned about this fantastic jet at Scale Model News.

There are times when one feels so ridiculous saying one does something in comparison to someone else far more skilled who also does the same thing. I call myself an author, but when I read Robertson Davies or Raymond Chandler, the comparison is ludicrous. I am a martial artist, but when I compare myself to my instructors, again it’s a ridiculous claim. I also build scale models, but …

These guys, whoever they are, build perfection. Now I have no idea how many people are involved, whether this is a large company* with significant backing (maybe Putin is a member), but none of this matters. This large scale Yak-130 is just amazing. I won’t say any more, just watch the video.

* Based on a translation of the faq page at rusjet.ru, I guess it’s a private club.

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