Window cutting tool
I was asked to provide more information about the window cutting tool I described in an earlier post. It’s absurdly easy to make. It’s just a No. 11 X-Acto blade shaped with a cut-off wheel. I also used needle files and a whetstone to sharpen the very tip. After using a pin vise and a drill bit, the window tool very cleanly enlarges the opening. I found the No. 11 blade made a window slit just the right width for the Enterprise-E.
It also makes a great scribing tool. I shaped another blade and reduced the width of the blade at the tip by sliding it along the whetstone. I think one could make different versions appropriate to whatever scale is needed.
Another tool that’s handy is a simple chisel made from a paper clip. I filed it until it’s the width of the window I want to cut. I could probably make other chisels exactly sized to a window from larger paper clips or nails.