Enterprise refit arboretum

I can’t pretend that my arboretum is anything special. It simply serves the purpose of being something behind the arboretum windows on the engineering hull. I used the old PNT photo-etched set to add detail to the bulkhead walls. I had to scribe a channel for them to fit, otherwise they would not have been flush with the inset walking path.
I am, however, rather chuffed with the trees. The trunks and limbs of the deciduous trees are made from strands taken from 24 gauge wire. For the leaves I cut incredibly small chips of paper using silhouette scissors and stained with various shades of Vallejo paint. Diluted Elmers glue attached the chips to the wire strands. The coniferous trees are shaped lengths of pipe cleaners, again stained with Vallejo paint. The piled rocks are layered discs of paper. The smaller shrubbery is packing foam.
The roof of the arboretum has the cloud decals from the kit applied and various squares are left clear to allow light from above to light the arboretum. It won’t brightly lit the scene, but then I don’t think that’s desirable. The water effects is just some Pledge PFM acrylic floor polish.
I’m also proud of the colored paper cutouts I placed in the openings in the photo etch. I drew the door detail with a fine pencil. It’s not perfect but I think it’s perfectly acceptable when viewed through the windows.